Presse und Interviews mit Gerhard Gruber 

Interviews mit Gerhard Gruber in Wien, Hobart und Mexiko

Cineteca Nacional Mexiko

Hobart Australien 2007

Kinogespräch BSL

Sommerkino 1999 Augarten 

Breitenseer Lichtspiele


Gerhard Gruber

Filmmusik, die aus der Improvisation lebt

National Center for the performing arts, Mumbai 2012:

Silent film pianist Gerhard Gruber in Mumbai

Cafe Elektric - NCPA Mumbai 2012:

Poster Cafe Elektric Mumbai

UWC Mahindra College, Pune, Indien:

Aufführung in der Mahindra school nahe Pune, Indien

Rotorua, New Zealand 2010

I went to a silent film festival in Rotorua, New Zealand, where I saw The General with a live piano accompaniment by Gerhard Gruber. It was astoundingly brilliant and having never seen a Buster Keaton film before I was blown away. The accompaniment really brought it to life and having the pianist present in the room seemed to break the 'fourth wall' leaving the audience much more able to enjoy the spectacle together. The General was a real highlight.

Auftritt in Goa, Indien 2011:

The Hindu über Stummfilmpianist Gerhard Gruber in Indien

Tokyo - Stimmen:

Gerhard Gruber with Midori Sawato, Benshi in Japan

Auftritt in Goa, Indien 2011 (Entertainment Society of Goa):

Gerhard Gruber performing in Panaji

Auftritt beim Filmfestival Pisek, Tschechien:

Stummfilmpianist Gerhard Gruber in Pisek, Tschechien

Indien Tour 2012:

Gerhard Gruber Indien Tour

Filmarchiv Austria:

Filmarchiv Austria gratuliert Gerhard Gruber zum Landeskulturpreis Oberösterreich

Auftritte im State Cinema, Hobart/ Australien:

Silent Film Festival State Cinema, Hobart Australien

ABC Hobart 2017

Silent cinema pianist Gerhard Gruber plays at Hobart's State Cinema festival

Posted Thu 23 Feb 2017 at 8:36pm

Piano accompanist Gerhard Gruber takes a highly improvisational approach to providing the music.(ABC News: Aneeta Bhole)

For Austrian pianist, Gerhard Gruber, motion and emotion are two words in the English language that resonate with him most.

The 65-year-old pianist will bring these two elements together at the fourth instalment of Hobart's Silent Film Festival hosted by the State Cinema over the weekend.

Mr Gruber, who has been a composer and accompanist for silent films for more than 25 years, said playing alongside a movie with no sound is a "very intimate, ever-changing and dynamic experience" for all involved.

"People don't know what they're expecting, but when they've seen a silent film they usually say 'it's great' and they always come back for more," he said.

As a trained music teacher, Mr Gruber explained it isn't just the action on the screen he draws inspiration from, but also the emotion of the audience.

He said he does not use sheet music or go in with a pre-conceived idea of what he will play.

"It's different every time. I never prepare with my instrument. I might watch the movie beforehand but I never play alongside it until the night," he said.

As a result, "though the movie is always the same, the feeling of the evening changes every time".

Gerhard Gruber at the  State Cinema Hobart
Gerhard Gruber in front of the State Cinema Hobart

inside and in front of the State Cinema, Hobart Tasmania


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